A Simple Guide to Provider Dispensing - Definition and Benefits

“Waiting in line is fun,”-said no one ever. It is even less fun when you or your friends and family are sick. Would it not be so much better if there were a way to get your hands on the medication right alongside your doctor’s appointment? Guess what? It is now possible to converge a physician visit and have to go to the pharmacy for your prescription into one streamlined interaction.

We call this concept by the name of provider dispensing. The dispensing providers look after the entire process.

What is Provider Dispensing, and What Do Dispensing Providers Do?

Provider dispensing is more commonly referred to as point-of-care dispensing or physician dispensing. Here the medication and prescription drugs undergo pre-packaging and dispensing to the patients right at the time of the appointment with the doctor.

According to data, 20-30% of the prescriptions in America never witnesses filling. Provider dispensing ensures that patients can conveniently access treatment as a part of their scheduled clinic visits. This method makes sure that the patient can get answers to their questions, not only so, but it also betters compliance.

Dispensing providers work with acute and chronic conditions both. From short-term antibiotic courses to life-changing medication for diabetes and thyroid, they can take care of it all.

Some Benefits of Provider Dispensing?

Benefits for Patients

#1 No Breach of Confidentiality

A lot of people shy away from seeking life-saving medical support because they show concern about confidentiality. It often takes a long time for patients to form a relationship of trust and comfort with their general physician. Wouldn’t it be so much better if you could just get your medication from the doctor’s clinic itself? There is no breach of your sensitive medical information, and you would not have to deal with the anxiety of meeting a new health professional every time you need to refill your prescription.

#2 Convenience Factor

You do not even have to fit in an extra stop at the pharmacy on your drive home from the doctor. You can easily avail up to 90 days of prescription medicine at the doctor’s office. What’s even better is that many of these dispensing providers also offer discounts and pocket-friendly payment structures. With zero copays and reduced costs, physician dispensing is also cost-effective.

Benefits for Clinics

#1 Additional Revenue Stream

Did you know that provider dispensing is a great way for doctors to generate an additional revenue stream out of their practice? Doctors can charge the same amount for the medications as any other pharmacy and run a profit since they don’t have to compensate for infrastructure.

Sometimes medical representatives offer doctors and GPs extremely low prices for medicines; they may even benefit from other incentives. It’s a win for everyone.

#2 Boosted Productivity and Efficiency

The US healthcare system is running short on skilled workers. Dispensing medication is essential but mundane work. If the clinic arranges for a physician dispensing system, it can save precious time and refocus the resources on more critical operations. No more worrying about verification calls and authorizations. Instead, this extra time is helpful for growing the practice.

Provider Dispensing at PD-Rx Pharmaceuticals

PD-Rx Pharmaceuticals is a provider-dispensing facility that merges the expediency of a full-service distributorship and competitive pricing. For more details on our products and services, visit our website today!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.