Automated Dispensing System: Keeping Medicines in the Safest Place

The wrong dosage of medications has always been a glaring error in the healthcare industry. Every day, industry professionals are coming up with new ideas and innovations to provide flawless patient care and reduce such errors. The introduction of an automated dispensing system is a crucial and beneficial outcome of that effort.

Many hospitals have complained about medicine theft and other problems often. Therefore, a new way of storing medicine, known as an automated dispensing system has surfaced. Every dispensing provider has said this is the best way to store medicine, as only the ones with the code can open it. Some of the automated technologies are:

  • Automated storage and retrieval system

  • Tabletop tablet countertop

  • Automated packaging and labeling system

  • The automated medication computing system

Although this is not the 'cure-all' solution for all the problems physicians face, it can address many issues and provide suitable solutions. This system is run and managed by the dispensing physicians.

Introduction to Automated Dispensing Cabinet

ADC or Automated Dispensing Cabinet is a computer-based system that helps to dispense medication at the point of care. This system is beneficial for a doctor who has opted for physician dispensing. They are mostly seen in the following places:

  • Critical care unit

  • Wards

  • Emergency rooms

The dispensing providers supply medicines to the hospitals that are centrally managed and distributed to the patients. The dispensing cabinet helps the nurse to safely dispense all the medicines so that they can keep track of the drugs that are being given.

Benefits of ADC According to Dispensing Provider

There are many advantages of using an automated dispensing cabinet, some of which are discussed below:

Accuracy in Dispensing- When the ADC is used in OR and procedure room, the dispensing happens appropriately. This way, you can avoid any misunderstanding with the medicine names. The computerized cabinet decreases the likelihood of wrong drug selection.

Better Business Efficiency- When you have a good workflow in your point of care, management efficiency also increases. The clinical staff uses the system, while the pharmacy staff has to look after the usage of the medicine inventory. The physician dispensing system needs good drug management to understand how much medicine is being used in one day.

Patient Safety- The automated dispensing cabinet ensures patient safety by reducing dispensing mistakes. It also ensures that the dispensing is done according to the patient's needs at the point of care.

Easier to Handle High-Alert Drugs- There are many high-alert drugs in the hospital that needs to be stored properly. With ADC, these drugs can be stored safely with double lock access. Those drugs can only be used by people who have authorized caregivers.

The Way Automated Dispensing Works

The nurses or the dispensing physicians have to log into the system daily. The system grants them access to select medicine for the patients. The system has a list of drugs that all the patients need, and when they process the system, it dispenses it sequentially. The doors and drawers have illuminated lights in them where medicines are stored. There is on-screen guidance to show which drugs are stored in the system.

Choose the Right Company

If you are intrigued by this article and want to start with ADC, contact PD-RX Pharmaceuticals. We are one of the top companies in this industry and provide quality products to all our customers. Call us today, and let us be your physician dispensing provider.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.