Basics about Medication Dispensing

Portrait of a pharmacist checking the prescription and medication

Medication dispensing is a process where a physician can distribute pre-packaged prescribed medications to the patients directly at a cheaper rate compared to the pharmacies in the clinic. Therefore, the patients do not need to go to the pharmacy to buy the medicines.

The Advantages of in-office Medication Dispensing

Medication Dispensing Can Minimize Medication Errors than Other Pharmacies.

  • The physicians of in-office medication dispensing test the LASA prescription drug pairs.

  • Check the dose of medicine

  • The medication dispensing has National Drug Code (NDC) numbers.

  • They provide medication dose screening for pediatric and geriatric patients.

Medication Dispensing Improve Care for Patients

  • The physicians try to provide solutions to the patients within their budget limit as much as possible and they are also concerned about the coverage, cost and potential side effects.

  • They ensure accurate self-injection of medications.

In-office Medication Dispensing Provides A Lot of Automation Options

  • Central pharmacy automation solutions

  • Have Pharmacy robots

  • Can Order and receive automation solutions

  • Physicians provide preparation and packaging automation solutions

  • Bar-code medication dispensing

  • Carts and medication dispensing nursing stations

Features of Medication Dispensing

Medical dispensing has various features including clinical resources, Revenue management tools, technology suits and many more. The following are,

clinical Resources

  • Medication therapy management tools

  • Support from pharmacist and technician

  • They provide particular treatment options.

Revenue Management Tools

  • They can manage the reimbursement process without creating any problems

  • Provide Streamline pricing

  • Save patients from the financial burden by simplifying the billing workflow

Technology Suit to Complete All the Critical Functions

  • claims adjudication

  • Prescription processing

  • Practice management

Single-distribution Source Features

  • Medication dispensing can distribute all type of drug-related products

  • Make an inventory of large products for increasing the level of availability.

  • Support the existing management system of pharmacy.

Messaging Platform

  • To check if there are any mistakes during the dispensing process

  • Trying to increasing awareness about medication patient safety

  • They can amplify the clinical expertise of pharmacists by applying pharmacy communication technology.

How Can You Develop in-office Medication Dispensing?

  • You should create a single billing and ordering platform

  • Provide quick treatment to the patients

  • Increase patient outcomes

  • Should improve clinical tracking to provide treatment responses, compliance

Get in Touch with Us

If you want to book an appointment with a physician for in-office medication dispensing for diagnosis and get medicines at the same place, then contact PD-RX Pharmaceuticals in OKC ASAP. You can get various services including primary care, urgent care, pain management solution and many more.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.