Even Coffee Can Be One Of Your Prescribed Medicine

Through centuries, coffee has been a topic of discussion. It has been both praised and mocked. It has been blamed to create impotence, on the other hand is also called ‘a gift from heaven’. Heavy stuff right! However, there is no denial that it can fine-tune your focus and energize you.

In fact, there are many people who cannot wake up without their morning cup of coffee. It has the most widely consumed proactive substance in the world, commonly known as caffeine, though it has many other complex substances in it.. PD-RX Pharmaceuticals, a physician dispensing company has come up with their view. Let us know the benefits from their point of view.

Some of The Health Benefits of Coffee:

  • Enhances Energy Level- Caffeine has the ability to stimulate the central nervous system which is known for its ability to fight fatigue which in turn increase energy level. This happens because caffeine can block the receptors of a neurotransmitter called adenosine. This increases other neurotransmitters of your brain that controls energy, like dopamine. Some studies suggest that if you are cycling and you drink coffee, your exhaustion level will reduce to a subjective level.

  • Lowers the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes- It is known by everyone that Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition. This effects how the body uses sugar. One review of 30 studies suggests that each person who consumed coffee everyday had 6% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is because coffee has the ability to preserve the function of beta cells in one’s pancreas, which is responsible for producing insulin for blood sugar level. Pharmaceutical companies who have physician dispensing also suggest having coffee with their medicines.

  • Lowers the Risk Of Liver Diseases- Interestingly, many studies show that coffee can lower the risk of liver diseases. A 2017 review showed that coffee could lower the risk of chronic liver disease by 15%. If you are drinking four cups of coffee per day, then it equates to a 71% lower risk.

  • Lower the Risk Of Alzheimer’s- Alzheimer’s is a disease that can lead to memory loss and impaired thinking. This is a progressive brain disorder. There is no known cure, but early diagnosis can help it slow its progress. A 2016 review of studies suggest that the more coffee people consume, the less chance they have to suffering from Alzheimer’s. The physician dispensing clinics also suggest that medicine for this disease can be consumed with coffee.

Do not give it a second thought before starting off your day with a cup of hot coffee. However, remember it does have some adverse impacts too. It’s better not to overdo it and stay balanced as much as possible.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.