Familiarizing with the Harmful Effects of Low Blood Sugar

Blood sugar fluctuation seems to be a common occurrence throughout the day. Depending on your lifestyle, food intake, and medication, it may rise or fall. However, deficient levels can be life threatening. Clinics with the doctors dispensing medication in office provide better care in such circumstances.

Hypoglycemia is a common medical condition among people with diabetes relying on specific medications. As per a global study, half of the patients with type 2 diabetes suffered from low blood sugar. Fortunately, besides doctor’s care, there are various steps you can take to restore sugar levels. We will now look at the most vital information regarding this condition.

Exposing the Diabetes-Hypoglycemia Link

The human body converts carbs into glucose from vegetables, fruits, bread, and dairy products. It also needs insulin to transport this substance into cells and tissues. However, when the blood sugar levels drop significantly, the body begins to release excessive glucose from muscles and the liver. In some patients, the glucose normalizing response gets impaired. Moreover, a few medications obstruct glucose levels from attaining a normal range.

Becoming Aware of the Warning Indications

Hypoglycemia is the outcome of excess insulin inside your system. The problem occurs when you consume fewer foods, do strenuous exercises, or skip meals. In such situations, a highly-experienced physician can be of great help. Furthermore, the doctors dispensing medication in office solutions offer a better healing experience. The common symptoms of hypoglycemia include rapid heartbeat, sweating, shaking, dizziness, and anxiety.

Discerning the Treatment Options

The severity of your symptoms determines your treatment plan for this condition. In the case of mild indications, you can rely on the 15-15 rule. You must drink or eat 15 grams of carbs, wait 15 minutes, and monitor your blood sugar. However, severe hypoglycemia requires you to follow the doctor’s recommendations. They might prescribe you glucagon to elevate the sugar levels.

Effective Tips to Follow

Here are the best preventive measures to implement:

  • Observe the Eating Habits- Diabetes management demands the need for a proper meal plan. It is better to avoid skipping meals and opt for healthy snacking.

  • Medication Timings- You must consume the diabetes medicines at the recommended time and dosage.

  • Moderate Exercise- It is crucial to analyze the blood glucose levels before exercise, sport, or any other activity.

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**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.