How to Enhance Your Point of Sale in Pharmacy?

Male pharmacist dispensing prescription drugs holding a bottle of tablets in his hand checking the information

Not all sales point systems are equally created. Sales points are generally designed precisely for an industry that offers companies the tools they need to run their business type effectively. The feature needed to run a pharmacy would probably not be a points of sale system in a restaurant, and vice versa. Individual pharmacy consists of specific needs, and independent pharmacy needs different niche options in its POS between providing information for collectivepickup of the prescription to monitor and manage pseudo-ephedrine sales. See how in office pharmacy dispensing can improve with some essential steps.

Management of Inventory

A comprehensive inventory management system is perhaps the most essential feature a point of sale can offer. It can be your biggest overhead for any retail shop store and it is so important that you are in control of your stock in OTC, especially in a community pharmacy, where you manage not only the stock front-end but also drugs. The sales point system maintains a physical inventory, which enables you to find out the exact amount of the item you have at your disposal.

In addition, our sales point software helps you to manage the desired inventory amounts by creating the points of reorder for each product. EDI – allows complete ordering with the wholesalers of the pharmacy – is included in our sales point system. It allows to easily update the inventory and costs when the wholesaler gives you an electronic answer on what you are sent. By means of POS, you can print a number of reports to properlyanalyze your stock in its entirety, per department, category and even for a particular item.

SIGIS Certification

Sales point systems are built abiding by the needs of the pharmacy. Pharmaceutical systems. Patients receiving prescriptions or buying counter products often want to make payments for their copayment or their qualified goods by using their flexible expenses or health savings cards. You must have registration with SIGIS, and the point of sale vendor must also be a certified SIGIS vendor, in order to set your pharmacy to accept FSA and HSA cards. Sales points are not recorded at SIGIS and pharmacies cannot accept HSA and FSA cards at the point of sale.

Integrated Tracking of Pseudoephedrine

Pharmacies can track and then certify their pseudoephedrine product sales and are exception in their needs. For items that have pseudoephedrine, pharmacies should validate sales and track customer information. Your sales point system is entirely integrated for tracking real-time pseudoephedrine transactions, to make the purchase valid and to inform the cabinet owners if the patient can buy the item. It also logs sales and retains information about customers. For your pharmacy software, this is an essential feature that a retail POS will be unable to deliver.

Incorporation of Signature and Workflow

There is a great deal of "saying" between the seller software and the system of pharmacy when patients visit to collect the given prescriptions and the cashier scans the bar code. In short, sales software does not only read an item code and split the price, but it also communicates with your physiotherapy process to make sure that the prescriptions are ready to be collected by the patient. Furthermore, the selling-point integration with the workflow will examine whether a patient or a family member is waiting for other prescriptions.

Patients may also sign up for HIPAA and accept or reject advice, which are all stored in both pharmaceutical and sales software. This not only keeps your pharmacy in compliance with the State legislation, but also gives you the capability to track and check easily if RX patients are collected and RXs that are not collected to communicate quickly with these patients are tracked. Shrinking inventory rates for forgotten prescriptions from patients help to build conformity, star ratings, overall sales and refunds.

Come to PD-RX Pharmaceuticals for a discreet and balanced in office pharmacy dispensing in our Oklahoma office.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.