How to Improve Patient Follow-up by Telehealth?


It's unusual for a patient's treatment and rehabilitation to begin and end with a single visit, whether it's for a general health check, an accident, a disorder, or a chronic illness. The path to a good result typically takes much longer, often just a few weeks, and sometimes treatment years.

Although the role of physician dispensing solutions in directing a patient's improvement and providing urgent care for sensitive signs and drug advice is crucial, they cannot handle their patient's health at all times of the day. Following that, patient follow-up acts as valuable reminders to fix an appointment post the initial visit to assure that treatment is running as expected and no latest symptoms or problems have arisen in the interim.

A low rate of follow-up suggests that patients are not returning for a second visit, which may result in worse outcomes, strained patient-physician associations, and a lack of documentation of a patient's health and how the condition is progressing. Physicians may catch adverse effects and complications earlier when patient follow-up visits are encouraged, or simply reassure a patient that their recovery is going well (which is always a good thing to hear).

How Telehealth Can Help With Follow-Up

Patients are conscious that follow-up is important. They realize that failure to turn up for a follow-up appointment following care can be risky. Despite this, many people still struggle to turn up. Why? Isn't that the burning question?

The response is, unsurprisingly, complicated and depending on the patient's circumstances. Even in a predominantly non-indigent suburban community where healthcare costs were unlikely to be a factor, several people failed to come, citing difficulties getting off work, a lack of awareness of their disease's course, and disability as explanations. Moreover, it seems that the seriousness of a patient's illness has no effect on the probability of returning for follow-up appointments.

Direct dispensing services that reduce discomfort and save patients time and energy while delivering a high-quality service through securely audio and encrypted HD video, will be extremely beneficial to the aforementioned issues.

The telehealth software will be crucial in assisting healthcare providers in quickly modernizing and delivering services to patients who are unable to trust them due to poor services, expense, discomfort, or forgetfulness. Patient adherence is also helped by the ease of use of e-Health services and apps, as it is much easier to check in and communicate with a doctor via video than it is to keep a physical appointment, especially now that one-on-one communication is still a safety issue.

As patients' concerns about privacy increase in the Information era, the healthcare providers must anticipate and answer patients' concerns about how their data is processed and used, as well as the level of privacy.

Patient Obedience and Direct Dispensing

The roles that telehealth and direct dispensing can play in improving patient adherence are important, as patient faithfulness is one of the most crucial issues in the healthcare sector, costing us about 125,000 lives each year.

Physicians will continue to refine their practice to enhance short-term outcomes and long-term adherence by exploiting the increased demand for reliability and comfort, providing a better way to improve patient follow-up and adherence in this pandemic and later and eliminating obstacles to clearer knowledge and quality medication.

PD-RX Pharmaceuticals in OKC operates direct dispensing system i.e. web-based for doctors and other healthcare professionals, providing qualifying clients with repackaged branded and generic OTC and prescription medication. Our dispensing system, which is simple to use and accessible from any safe hardware, enables physicians to easily monitor and print custom labels, manage inventory, and provide vital medication.

We provide virtual visit software via our dispensing portal to support our patients to conveniently seek follow-up treatment from their comfort place, given the growing importance of telehealth and e-Health services.

Our program complies with HIPAA laws, is licensed by the Drug Enforcement Administration, and supports locked audio and HD video. We also assist physicians in setting up dispensing via pick-up at the provider's site, ensuring that local patients do not have to miss having the prescription they need elsewhere.

Follow us at here for the direct physician dispensing solutions for the right medication system at your doorstep.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.