In-house physician dispensing: Is it Beneficial?


As the drug costs are gradually rising every day, it stands as a persisting problem to the Americans. Besides, it is a major reason for patient non-adherence to treatment recommendations. However, in-house medication dispensing is now saving the patient's hard earned money by providing improved medication dispensing. Not only that, patients are also happy with the convenience of in-house dispensing. Significantly, physicians in dispensaries can provide the medicine as per the prescription.

As of now, forty states are dispensing medications directly to patients. Although, each state has its own rule regarding registration and compliance. As per an OKC physician, medication dispensation is not a very arduous task. Furthermore, physicians should follow the safety measures including ensuring proper medication storage, accurate labelling and counselling of the patients.

Doctors can immediately dispense the medicine if the patient has acute symptoms of any kind of infections or contagious disease. In this way, the patient’s treatment won’t get delayed. It will directly eliminate the hassles of long wait transportation costs.

When a physician is dispensing medicine, it can be interpreted in many ways. However, there are the following points that usually perceived:

⮚ The drug is supposed to be dispensed to a physician’s patient.

⮚ Dispensing means transferring one or more doses by a physician to the patient.

⮚ The physician must certify via a written prescription or an e-scribe by stating that the prescription is ready for transferring.

⮚ Physicians should provide a routine for taking the drugs.

According to a recent study, 75% of the people have already agreed to go with the flow in-office medication dispensing. They also stated that it was helping them better manage their health. When the patients are leaving with the medication, it helps to increase compliance rate.

In addition, physicians can consult with the patients directly about the medications. Patients also can share their feedback. In turn, compliance of the drug therapy is 60-70% better. However, many people have a misconception that automatic dispense can increase the chance of malpractice. However, the medical license allowed me to dispense the medications.

Ending note

In a nutshell, dispensing medication is a simple and easy solution. Both of the parties i.e., doctors and the patients are satisfied in terms of medicine dosages, generating revenue and compliance policy. To be lucid, it’s a “win win” for everyone. Contact PD-RX Pharmaceuticals for the same.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.

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