In-Office Pharmacy Dispensing for your Wheezing

Wheezing can be described as a high pitch rattling sound that your breath makes if your airway is blocked. It is a sign that you are having difficulty getting air out of your lungs. Wheezing happens mainly when the small airway in the lungs becomes blocked or constricted.

Asthma or pneumonia can also cause wheezing. It can often be heard with just the human ear, but to have a better understanding doctor might use a stethoscope. Wheezing can stay for a prolonged period and it is also not a severe medical condition that can allow you to take work leave.. You might have to go to the office with that, but there is a solution for this. In-office pharmacy dispensing can help you get this disorder treated in the office.

Risk Factors of Wheezing

A small child can develop wheezing because it has smaller airways than an adult. Children who have asthma and bronchiolitis have the highest chance of getting it. If you smoke or have emphysema, then you are likely to have wheezing.

When to See a doctor?

If you have mild wheezing that can happen if you have a cold, you should go away with the illness. But if you are having trouble breathing, breathing faster than normal, or any of your skin is turning blue for a brief period of time, then you should opt for in-office pharmacy dispensing. If you are in your office and cannot go out to get the needed medicine for wheezing right at that time, then this is the best option for you.

Diagnosing the Cause of Wheezing

Your in-office pharmacy dispensing company might ask you the following questions:

  • For how long did you have this?

  • Does exercising make your breathing hard?

  • When do you wheeze more-day or night?

  • Does resting help?

  • Does certain food seem to cause your wheezing?

  • Do you smoke?

Tests for Wheezing

After they have asked you all these questions, they might perform these tests to confirm their diagnosis:

  • Test to check your lung function

  • X-ray of your lungs

  • Blood test to check your oxygen level

How Will They Treat It?

The first thing the in-office pharmacy dispensing company might give you is a bronchodilator medication to ease any inflammation. They can also give you inhaled corticosteroids to fight the inflammation. They can provide a Leukotriene receptor antagonist to prevent asthma.

Where Can You Get It?

PD-RX Pharmaceuticals is a pharmaceutical dispensing company that provides in-office pharmaceutical dispensing. It can supply you with medicine whenever and wherever you want. Call us to know more.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.