Is Prepackaged Medication Dispensing Truly Beneficial?

Nowadays, more and more physicians are choosing physician dispensing because of the multifaceted benefits the process offers. Not only does physician dispensing allows the healthcare providers to earn better revenues but it also allows them to provide better patient care. This in turn establishes their credibility and hence, more and more patient choose their clinic.

There are some pharmaceutical companies that have noticed this trend and started to offer prepackaged medication dispensing. Generally, smaller firms buy prescription drugs from bigger firms and then repackage those individually. As a result, the medical practitioners can offer prepackaged medicine to their patients as per their recommended dosage.

Why more medical practitioners are choosing prepackaged medication dispensing?

The answer to this question is quite simple. The primary advantage of choosing prepackaged medication program is to provide better patient care. The patients not only get their prescribed drugs from the dispensary but it is also available in the recommended dosage.

Previously, even when a medical professional prescribed a bi-weekly medication, the patients had to buy the whole blister pack. Most of the time, the extra medicines were wasted.

But now, thanks to prepackaged medication dispensing, medical professionals can accurately dispense only the necessary dosage. This saves money as well as saves medicines from getting wasted.

Necessity of pharmaceutical companies that can help with prepackaged medication dispensing:

The best part of automated drug dispensing system is that it allows to control the required dosage for every individual patient. Two patients with the same disease may always not require the same amount of medication. Prepackaged medication dispensing allows the medical caregivers to regulate the dosage such as a single unit dose or a dose based on unit-of-use. To elaborate, a patient may require a medicine twice every week while another patient may require the drug for two consecutive weeks. Prepacked medication allows to medical practitioner to customize the drug as per each patient’s requirements.

Another significant benefit of prepacked medication is the price. Since not all patients can afford to buy medicines in bulk, many of them do not buy the necessary medicines at all. On the contrary to this situation, the customized medication that is prepacked is affordable and hence, almost all patients end up buying their medicines from the dispensary instead of the drugstore. This generates great revenue.

Better patient care leading to less non-adherence:

Even though there is no one specific reason why many patients choose not to adhere to their prescribed medication, one that is significant is the availability of the medication.

Prior to prepackaged medication dispensing, patients had to visit the nearest drugstore and even had to wait sometimes for their medicines to arrive. But with physician dispensing, the availability of medication and the process of obtaining it have become simple.

Trustworthy companies for physician dispensing:

When it comes to providing the best quality prepackaged medication dispensing within budget, there are only a few companies such as PDRX that excel in what they offer. From using the state-of-art equipment to maintaining a high-level quality check, PDRX is the leading company in the industry.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.