Prescribed Drugs May Come with Lower Price Tags

It does not matter whether you have a chronic illness or you are dealing with a short-term disease, you may need to see a doctor from time to time. Now, when you see a doctor with a condition, your doctor will suggest you a prescription with medicines. These medicines are generally very costly. As the prescribed medications are so expensive, many of you are not able to purchase the medicines. You would want to save some money, if possible, while purchasing these medicines. In office pharmacy dispensing is a solution that many of you are opting for.

Knowing the Process

When you opt for in office dispensing for medicines, you, as a patient, do not need to visit the pharmacy. You can place your order directly with your healthcare provider. As a result, you can skip the extra amount that you may have been paying to the parties involved in between the seller and the buyer.

Your healthcare provider directly purchases the medicines from an in office pharmacy dispensing unit and maintain their own inventory. Now, when you get a prescription from your doctor, you can ask for the stocked prescribed medicines. You not only get the medicines instantly, but also do not have to pay the extra cost.

If you did not know the process or what you can do to avail in office pharmacy dispensing service, here are a few things that you can take a look at:

  • Ask about generic medicines: Your doctor may prescribe you a medicine with its brand name. However, the medicine that your doctor has prescribed may also have a cheaper generic version. So, next time, when your doctor prescribes you a particular brand, ask them about the generic medicine that is available in market.

  • Stocking up: Depending on the disease or the disorder that you may have, your doctor may ask you to continue the medication for 3 months. In that case, you can ask your doctor to write a prescription for those 3 months and not only 1month. Many companies offer discounts when you buy their meds in bulk. So, when you get the prescription, you can buy the medicines in bulk and that will automatically save you a lot of money.

  • Comparing prices: Compare the prices of the medicines that are sold under a brand name and in a generic name. You will find that the generic medicines are much cheaper most of the times.

If you are looking for an in office pharmacy dispensing company in Oklahoma, PD-RX Pharmaceuticaks can help you with healthcare supplies.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.