The Advantages of Physician Dispensing


How many times have you disobeyed a doctor's order and not received the medication? We're sure it's happened to all of us at some point. You may have been too sick to get to the pharmacy, or you may have been in such a hurry that you simply forgot. Here the in-office physician dispensing comes into action.

An increase in profit

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, each doctor sees 25 patients on average every day and writes 1.4 prescriptions. So, if the doctor makes money on the prescriptions, it's an extra source of income. The revenue would improve if the pharmacy is located in their office. However, not all states have authorized in-office drug dispensing. In certain cases, patients have the choice of deciding where they can purchase their drugs. Nonetheless, the idea would undoubtedly increase doctors' earnings.

Medication dispensing in the home is more convenient than visiting a pharmacy

Instead of going to the pharmacy, patients will have their medications delivered to their homes shortly after they leave the doctor's office. This allows the patient to meet with the doctor and adhere to the doctor's care instructions. Also, instead of waiting in line at the pharmacy, this is a more private way to ask a question about their condition in a confidential conversation with their doctor.

The Doctor is certain that the patient is taking the medication

This form of drug dispensing in the office or at home ensures the doctor that their patient is taking medication. When the doctor has the correct knowledge about the medicine, tracking the patient with dispensing system is much easier.

An Excellent Alternative for Disabled Patients

If you have an impairment, going to the pharmacy can be a lengthy, frustrating, and stressful operation. People with disabilities, reduced mobility, or elderly patients who live alone and don't have a family who can get them medicine from the pharmacy are at a disadvantage.

Your Treatment Will Begin Immediately

If you have an illness or a disease that requires immediate treatment, visiting your doctor's office and receiving the prescription is the best choice. This is a perfect way to get started on the medication right away rather than waiting for later in the day or the next day. It's normal to go to the doctor one day and then go to the pharmacy the next, particularly if there isn't a pharmacy nearby.

Visit the official website of PD-RX Pharmaceuticals. We would help you with in-office physician dispensing services and medicines at your door step.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.