The Future Scenes of Pharmacy Dispensing

What is pharmacy's future? As you know, it has been talked about a lot, and it appears to be a popular topic everywhere. There are numerous ways for us to migrate from a product-based paradigm to a value-based/service-based model, and pharmacists must get into the digital platform for health/medicine or better to the in-office pharmacy dispensing system.

'Pharmacy's Future'

A deeper focus on pharmacy and pharmacists would have been better to show relevancy, but the perspective was correct in its focus on the upcoming technological changes in the market. Showing the world that technology is advancing is great, but demonstrating how pharmacists may benefit from it is essential. Pharmacies can play a vital role in patient care by identifying key issues using wearables and sensors, as well as 3D printing a medication that a drone would subsequently deliver. Now, who makes the drug? Is that a technician or a pharmacist?

Discussing the future of pharmacists -

  • Pharmacists are an underutilized resource

  • Pharmacists may find themselves at a career crossroads: either enhance their role's breadth and value or risk potential disintermediation. This is a fascinating development. With contact lenses worn by pharmacy technicians, they believe that the level of care or service will be determined by technological innovation. The pharmacist's ability to legally verify prescriptions is more important.

  • Despite an increasing need for physicians and a scarcity of physicians to meet that demand, pharmacists have the opportunity to take on some of the PCP responsibilities, as has been pointed out by everyone. Pharmacists should focus on three areas:

  1.  Patients and providers can use digital tools to select, implement and maintain DTx and non-drug therapies.

  2.  Specialization in treating and managing chronic diseases with an in-depth knowledge of genetics. A lot of this has previously been done, just not very well.

  3.  Focus on mental well-being and SDoH in this area. We're already doing this in a similar way to the medical field.

Here at PD-RX Pharmaceuticals we work for in office pharmacy dispensing. This is truly the future for pharmacy. Contact us for your medicinal requirements.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.