Benefits of In-Office Pharmacy Dispensing You Must Not Miss

There has been a rise in the number of physicians who are prescribing and filling prescriptions right at the point of care. Since in-office pharmacy dispensing can generate additional revenue, it is widely used by physicians and health systems alike. It's undeniable that in-office dispensing is profitable, but there's much more to it than clever business strategies.

Patients benefit from in-office dispensing in a variety of ways, including convenience and confidentiality. It is possible for doctors and healthcare providers to provide better service and save lives by working directly with their patients, all while generating additional revenue.

Compliance with prescribed medication

When it comes to the big picture, pharmacists don't always have it. On any given day, a pharmacy may be responsible for filling more than 500 prescriptions, making it impossible to know each patient's complete medical history.

It is especially dangerous for patients who are forced to buy medication from many different pharmacies without understanding the potential adverse drug interactions, because a pharmacist cannot sufficiently give advice patients on their treatment or medication without knowing the full treatment of a patient.

Patients may not get the information they need if they are not prompted to ask for it. In some cases, it's a deliberate decision to avoid the pharmacy and return home when one is ill or in pain.


Patients will appreciate how much more convenient it is for you to provide prescriptions to them right in your office. This is a race against the clock. There is no guarantee that your patient will receive the medication they require in a timely manner simply because your practice is situated close or even beside a pharmacy. Long lines, long wait times, and the general malaise of waiting for your medication with a crowd of other irritated strangers can make the process of filling your first prescription a frustrating one.

Prescriptions are decided to enter, labels are published and applied, and the patient is on their way to recovery at home in just a few clicks. On average, this procedure takes less than two minutes, saving both staff and patients hours of their valuable time.


Because of the strict privacy and confidentiality that comes with in-office pharmacy dispensing, it has been shown to improve the doctor-patient relationship. Even though patients are aware that their health and healthcare is private information, they may find it difficult to get a prescription filled at a public pharmacy. Patient confidence in their right to privacy is restored through in-office direct dispensing, where prescriptions are filled in the same office where they were originally prescribed.

In pharmacies, there are no areas designated as private or secure for the privacy of customers. In order to be heard over the din of others who have been in line longer, those who do choose to speak with the pharmacist must do so in a whisper. You can increase security by using in-office direct dispensing.

Get Medications at Your Comfort

Patients are less likely to be fully informed about just the medication they are being given a prescription while at the Pharmacy. As a doctor, you can supervise your patient's education and personally ensure that they understand how their medication works, when they should take it, how often they should take it, and when they should return for a refill.

With PD-RX Pharmaceuticals in Oklahoma, you can ensure that your patients receive the best possible care. For the most part, we're here to make your job easier while also boosting your income.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.