How Physician Dispensing Is Beneficial for Both Patients and Employees?

Demand for urgent care services is increasing, which is why urgent care clinics exist. Maintaining a high standard of care while also remaining competitive in the face of increasing competition among urgent care centers necessitates maximizing convenience and efficiency.

Patients prefer physician dispensing for urgent care centers because of their accessibility and cost savings over expensive ER visits. However, only about half of the country's urgent care centers have a pharmacy on site, making it difficult for patients to pick up their prescriptions before heading home. Many urgent care clinics are at a vulnerable position in a highly competitive environment because they lack the ability to directly dispense prescription medication and some forms of emergency care.

Are There Any Upfront Costs?

PDRX's partnership with urgent care clinics means no up-front costs or significant overhead. Simple and unobtrusive are the watchwords when it comes to getting started. Direct dispensing via PDRX is a simple and straightforward process.

Aside from saving time and possibly money, they can concentrate on providing straightforward and valuable care to their patients. One way to help patients save money on healthcare is to cut out the middleman.

How Much Money Can Be Made Through Direct Dispensing?

Immediate care facilities don't need to spend much money on direct dispensing or point of care dispensing. The clinic in question decides how much money it wants to make back on its investment. It is possible to earn a substantial amount of additional money by selling pharmaceuticals like generics, brands, and over-the-counter (OTC) items at competitive prices. With the help of various software you can increase your revenue while also making your patients' lives easier.

Do Your Patients Benefit from It?

Direct dispensing has immediate advantages. If you have an urgent care clinic, patients can get their medication and treatment right away thanks to in-office dispensing of prescriptions. So you can forget about the extra costs and inconveniences of having to fill new prescription medications at the local pharmacy, as well as the concerns about patient privacy. However, the most critical consideration is the passage of time. Patients should not waste time at urgent care clinics because time is of the essence. Faster treatment for a patient is always preferable.

Patients can receive proper education from you via point-of-care dispensing as well. The failure to take medications as prescribed is a leading cause of death for more than 125,000 Americans each year.

Patients are as busy as you are. Saving lives and fostering customer loyalty can both be achieved by reducing inconvenient processes and eliminating inefficiencies. It can also improve morale among your employees.

How Do Your Employees Benefit from It?

In-office dispensing programs help your urgent care staff do their jobs more quickly and efficiently. The dispensing software patient reminders, refills, scheduling, handles inventory, and more. In addition to pre-designed labels for medications, your staff will only have to enter the patient's information once. Prescriptions can be filled with confidence by office staff who have received comprehensive training and ongoing support. Your clinic will be able to accept more patients and provide better service to the community as a result of this simplified process.

What about the Legality of It All?

Compliance is essential when administering life-saving treatment and medication. To ensure the safety of your patients, there are rules in place that must be followed in order to administer certain medications at the point of care. Complying with regulations is made easier with in-office dispensing programs. Your compliance status will be kept up-to-date by this application.

The dispensing company collaborates with you to ensure that the medications you prescribe are in stock and traceable at all times. For both managed and non-controlled substances, this is true.

What are The Limitations of This Technology?

However, you have complete control over what and how much medication you stock at an urgent care clinic. Keeping a full inventory of every medication prescribed in an emergency room would be impractical. As a result, additional help from your dispensing companion can go a long way toward removing any potential roadblocks to providing proper patient care. Dispensing companies can assist you in determining which medicines your patients require.

What's the First Step?

There is a lot to be said for the right partnership. An effective system for tracking each sale is critical, as is finding the right company to assist you in obtaining prescription medication for your patients.

In order to best satisfy their patients and provide the best possible care, we at PD-RX Pharmaceuticals assist physicians and other healthcare professionals with the implementation of comprehensive in-office direct dispensing systems. Come to us, if you wish to provide your patients with physician dispensing for urgent care.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.