Fibrates- The Best Way to Use It

In the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia, fibrates are an amphipathic carboxylic acid. In order to reduce triglyceride accumulation in tissues, they reduce liver VLDL particle production and speed up the body's triglyceride excretion. As a result, they significantly reduce triglyceride levels (50-70 percent), moderately increase HDL (5-20 percent), and do not significantly lower LDL.

Patients with triglyceride levels of 500 to 999mg/dL and LDL levels in the target range should be treated with fibrates. If the patient has a high risk for ASCVD, they should be used in conjunction with lifestyle changes and other lipid-lowering medications.

If triglycerides remain elevated despite statin and icosapent ethyl use in the high-risk ASCVD group, they may be added. Fibrates are generally the first-choice treatment for lowering triglycerides in patients who are not at high risk for cardiovascular disease. After 2-3 months of taking a fibrate, TG levels should fall below 500mg/dL. Triglyceride reduction is the primary goal of treatment with these drugs when combined with statins. Contact a dispensing provider to make sure that you avoid every error of medicine prescription and consumption.

In addition, they may be able to slightly raise HDL and lower LDL levels. Because gemfibrozil interferes with statin breakdown, it increases the risk of muscle damage when taken with statins (rhabdomyolysis). Fenofibrate is the drug of choice when trying to combine fibrates and statins because it has a lower risk of interacting with statins. Patients with hypothyroidism, diabetes, or renal failure should have their creatinine phosphokinase levels monitored.

Constipation, diarrhea, and stomach upset are the most common symptoms of fibrates. Although gallstones are exceedingly rare, they can occur after a few years of regular use. Another uncommon complication is liver damage. Serum ALT, AST, and total bilirubin levels should be checked at the start of treatment and at regular intervals thereafter, if clinically indicated.

Blood thinners are more effective with the help of fibrates. To avoid excessive bleeding, lower the warfarin dosage by 30% and closely monitor the INR when taking a fibrate. Patients with hepatic impairment should not use this medication, and dosages should be adjusted for renal impairment and elderly patients.

Only fenofibrate and gemfibrozil have been approved for use in the United States. Nanocrystal tablet, micronized capsule and fenofibric acid are all forms of fenofibrate. An hour or so after eating, swallow the micronized capsule whole. They don't need to be taken with food for the other forms of dosage. Taking Gemfibrozil twice daily, before breakfast and dinner, comes in only one dosage form.

What Role Do Fibrates Play?

Cutting down on fats in your diet, such as butter, can help reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Statins are widely considered to be the most effective cholesterol-lowering medications.

Some statins may be combined with fibrates in order to lower cholesterol levels. While statins alone have been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, some studies suggest that a combination of statins and fibrates may not be any more effective.

People at risk for pancreatitis may also benefit from the use of fibrates to lower their triglyceride levels. Adolescents can be prescribed fibrates.

Fibrates Dosage Instructions

Take your medication exactly as prescribed. Taken only once a day, it's safe to assume. Do not stop taking your medication without consulting your doctor first.

Capsules or tablets containing a liquid are used to administer the medication. Before ingesting, do not open the capsules, chew, or crush the tablets.

Take the time to read the label on your medication. Taking certain brands with food is recommended. Without food, some of the others can be taken. Medicines should be kept away from heat and moisture.

While taking fibrates, eat a nutritious diet. Eating less fat is one way to do this.

  • Getting regular exercise and managing stress are two other ways to improve your heart health.

  • Reducing or eliminating one's dependence on tobacco

To get your fibrates and other medicines on time, contact a dispensing provider like PD-RX Pharmaceuticals in Oklahoma. We will make sure to provide a flawless service to you!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.