How Physician Dispensing Can Help Patients to Manage Their Prescriptions?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 84.9% of Americans visit a healthcare provider once every year. As a result, the pharmacies have to deal with a high number of prescriptions. As reported, approx. 50% of Americans are on one prescription medication in the last 30 days.

The Benefits of Physician Dispensing

As people visit the chamber of doctors often, they have to spend a certain amount of time commuting and buying medications from the pharmacy. But if they visit the doctor and get medicines at the same place, then they can save both their time and money. They can also understand the importance of taking medications on time and completing the course. Therefore, physician dispensing has become popular among people.

The Statistics

The statistics show that approx. 12.8% of Americans are on five medications. More than 79.5% of hospital emergency departments prescribe new medications. It is also true that Americans live longer than before. Therefore, there are many people who need various prescriptions to manage their health problems.

Due to the prescription overload, the pharmacists are overwhelmed during providing medications. There are many pharmacies where you have to wait for many hours to take the medicines. There are also a few pharmacies that take days to fill the prescriptions. As a result, the patients may be affected due to these problems.

The Solution

To avoid such situations, you can choose the doctors who provide dispensing medication service. Only physician medicine is an effective alternative to such a situation. The patients do not need to go to the pharmacy anymore because they get the medicines at the chamber of the doctor. Physician dispensing is transparent and unique for the patients.

Not only that but also patients can learn the importance of taking medication on time and other things. They can ask their doctor about the medications if they need to know something. In pharmacy, most of the patients cannot ask because there is no privacy at all. But in the chamber, the patient can ask questions to their primary provider privately.

Contact Us

If you want to visit the doctor and get medications at the same time, then you should choose the doctor who provides physician dispensing. By choosing the service, you can save time and money. If you have an emergency or need primary care, then contact PD-Rx Pharmaceuticals.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.