Medicine that Can Cause Sleeping Problems

Many studies have suggested that excessive sleep or lack of sleep can cause many diseases and medical conditions. Some disorders include stroke, poor mental health, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart diseases. Older people are more prone to having trouble sleeping than the younger generation. They either wake up frequently during the night, cannot sleep at all, or might complain of feeling unrest on awakening.

This disorder that makes it hard for people to sleep is insomnia, which can be caused because of the medication that they are taking. In this case, you have to inform your physician in-office medication dispensing about the problems you are facing. They can help you understand the alternatives to the medications creating this problem.

Medicine That Causes Drowsiness

Certain medications are known to cause drowsiness once taken. Though some medications are labeled as “non-drowsy,” they can cause drowsiness in some people. You have to try taking the medication first to know if you have the side effects. Some of the medications that can cause drowsiness are:

  • Antihistamine- This is a medication you get from your physician in-office medication dispensing for allergies or stuffy nose. This medicine can cause drowsiness by working against a chemical produced by the central nervous system. If the drug is taken regularly for a long time, the tolerance to the sedative effect will increase.

  • Beta-blockers- Doctors give these medicines to treat abnormal heart rhythm or hypertension. The medication can slow your heart rate and blood pressure by blocking the level of the hormone adrenaline. Because the medicine can lower your heart rate, it can make you feel tired and sleepy.

  • Tricyclic antidepressant- This medication is prescribed for nerve pain and depression and is easily available in physician in-office medication dispensing. One of its side effects is drowsiness, but it can go away after a while.

Medicines That Cause Insomnia

  • Alpha-blockers- This medication is prescribed by the physician in-office medication dispensing for many different diseases like prostatic hyperplasia, hypertension, or Raynaud’s disease. Specific muscles can get relaxed through this medication, and small blood vessels are also kept open with help of this medication. This medication can decrease REM (rapid eye movement) which is the stage when people dream, which in turn decreases your daytime sleepiness.

  • ACE Inhibitors- This drug can relax your blood vessels by stopping angiotensin II from production. This, in turn, boosts the body’s bradykinin level, which can cause dry cough. This is enough to keep you awake at night.

Have the Right Medication

If you still have some questions about the medicine you are having, then give a call to PD-RX Pharmaceuticals. They can deliver your medicine right at your doorstep.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of patient-doctor relationship.