Why Is Point-of-Care Medication Dispensing So Popular in 2022?

Point-of-care medication dispensing, also known as in-office dispensing, is the practice where physicians prescribe and fill the prescriptions for their patients at the point of care, aka the clinic itself. This means that the patients do not need to visit a pharmacy to avail the necessary medicines.

There are different models that a doctor can set up while transferring to a point-of-care medication dispensing system. The simplest way is to have a mini-pharmacy located right in your office. For larger models, you can hire a part-time or full-time pharmacy technician to work under you and fill the prescriptions for you.

Apart from allowing physicians to dispense medicine in their practice, this method reaps certain other rewards.

Eliminate the Need to Communicate with Pharmacists

Any physician with their own practice knows doctor-pharmacist relationships are the easiest. Even though it mostly relies on technology, faxing, and refaxing, incessantly long phone calls can get very tiring.

Since the patient data reaches two different handlers, it also broadens the margins for miscommunication and errors.

Point-of-care medication dispensing simplifies the whole process. All the patient’s data is stored in the dispensing software. The staff only needs to enter the prescription on the computer, and a label will be printed with the necessary prescription details. The patient can then retrieve the prepackaged prescription from the dispensary box and go about their merry way.

Increase Your Income Without Taking on a Greater Patient Load

Proving supplementary services like in-office dispensing is a good way to boost your income without necessarily taking on a greater patient case load. There are studies that prove that point-of-care dispensing can make you an extra $50,000 - $200,000 every year. Both the numbers are worth the investment and effort.

The additional income that comes from this can then be used for the benefit of your medical practice. The more you put into it, the more thorough flowing the revenue streams get over the years.

Guarantee Safety to Your Patients

We already talked about how physician dispensing can reduce room for error and tackle medical miscommunication but did you also know that 70% of pharmacies do not take the time to make the patients aware of the right way to take the drug and possible side effects that may occur from it.

Prepackaged medication comes with a complete list of instructions customized to the patient’s needs. It also swiftly abates the risk of cross-contamination. Many people don’t realize this, but pharmacists can unknowingly pass on germs to the medicines. Prepackaging, on the other hand, has access to state-of-the-art equipment that must comply with stringent cleanliness regulations laid out by the federal and state government.

Dispensing Software Streamline Office Work

Getting dispensing software also streamlines duties with your staff. All your staff needs to do is learn to operate the software, and they will be able to perform their dispensing, refilling, and even billing duties at the touch of a button. Web-based portals like ours take away a lot of mundane and repetitive tasks from your staff so they can actually focus on caring for the patient.

Effectively Cut Down COVID-19 Virus from Spreading

A rather recent, but no doubt one of the most important benefits of point-of-care medication dispensing is that it decreases the chances of the COVID-19 virus from spreading. Patients, many of whom have already contracted covid or are vulnerable to the infection, no longer need to visit a pharmacy to get their medicines.

PD-RX Pharmaceutical Inc. has developed an innovative physician dispensing system that ensures quality care for all patients. We also offer prepackaging services along with our web-based and manual dispensing systems. Call us at (800) 299-7379 to know more!

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.